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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. We know that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust in us to do so carefully and sensibly.

Personally Identifiable Information

Typically, this information includes your name, postal address, email address and telephone number. We may also collect other types of information such as gender, age, number of children, and personal interests, which we may associate with personally identifiable information. If you purchase products or services from we will note, for example, payment information, the type of services or products ordered or purchased, and the date of the order or purchase. We collect personal information when you register, log on, or visit our sites, including when you participate in activities on our sites, such as by placing an order, completing a user registration form or online survey, creating an address book, using our Shopping or Gift Services (including eGifts, Gift Certificates, Gift Registry, Bridal Registry, Reminder Service), or participating in a rebate offer, game, promotion, contest or sweepstakes.

No Sharing with Third-Party Marketers.

We do not rent to,or share your personal information with third-party marketers without first obtaining your consent. Should this policy change in the future, will post a notification of those changes to the homepage and other places deems appropriate.

However we may provide information to third-party, our suppliers, couriers etc in order to supply you the goods ordered by you.